This post is dedicated to the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Your light shines on.


I’ve been chasing after success most of my life. Even as that impending retirement date draws closer, I’m already planning for my next venture as a small business owner. A friend recently told me, “You’re not retiring, you’re re-firing.” True enough! And I don’t think I’m much different than anyone else in the United States, valuing achievement and feeding on accomplishments. I’m not disparaging achievement. Our nation is built on the blood, sweat and tears of hardworking people, but lately, I’ve been receiving messages from various outlets about significance. And that got me thinking …

If I die tomorrow, I will have a long list of achievements to take to the grave but who did they help? Sure, I have done the job I was paid to do but did I leave a mark? Am I building a legacy or simply stashing away paychecks for a secure future?

On this birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I take pause as we remember this great man of significance. His legacy was fueled by passion and purpose and his impact truly changed the world. Dr. King was also successful. His message continues to resonate with us today as we seek to carry the torch for racial equality. But I believe his success was secondary to his significance. The seeds he planted live on. The lives he touched will never be the same. Most of our success is driven by immediate reward and gratification. Dr. King’s success drew from a deeper well of faith, passion, purpose, and vision.

As we celebrate Dr. King’s life and legacy, can we think about our purpose? Many of us likely recently listed New Year’s goals and resolutions for self-improvement. Did any include actions or goals that will increase our significance? I guiltily confess that my first pass did not. Me, the author of “Living in Your Master Design,” the book about life on purpose, lost sight of why I am really on this earth. But I am determined to change that. I want to live a life that matters. That is God’s desire for each of us. It is why we are here. Will you join me in following Martin Luther King, Jr.’s example and seek to make a difference? We can start small. But let’s start.

PS: What can we do to leave a mark on our world? Let’s share ideas of how we can impact our communities by serving.