Have you ever been afraid?

Of course, you have. We have all had to face fear, whether it was fear of the dark in our childhood bedrooms, or the more recent anxieties caused by the invisible airborne assailant called COVID. So, what do we do with this lifelong companion called fear? Can I answer that with a story?

     I was about 8 or 9 years old the first time our family went to Disney World. Not scary! But inside the world of magic and wonder was this very dark and ominous place called the Haunted Mansion. Nine-year old me was deathly afraid of ghosts, death and skeletons and here we were about to walk into a whole houseful of them. I remember waiting outside in the fenced walkway adorned with tombstones and spiderwebs and weird ghostly voices. I was so frightened that I grabbed my father’s hand and squeezed it tightly so as not to lose connection with him. I didn’t know what I was walking into, but I knew who I was walking into it with, and that was the only cloak of comfort and assurance I had as my shaky knees ambled toward the doors.

     Once we were on the ride, my father held my hand and drew me close to him. About halfway through, my fear slowly melted away and I began to enjoy the artistry of flying ghosts and partying spirits while still in the comfort and safety of my dad’s grip. By the end of the experience, I was laughing at the mischievous ghosts and their antics as they spoke to us while we departed. Phew! I got through it. I was petrified at the beginning of it all and now, I wanted to go again!

     Now, let’s return to the question at hand: What do we do with this lifelong companion called fear, especially fear of the unknown? We grab hold of our heavenly Father’s hand. Just as I felt safe in the comfort of my dad’s embrace, we can be confident in God’s promise to never leave us or forsake us. Will He unveil the future for us and show us where we’re going? Maybe, maybe not. But will he walk with us through the uncertainty of it all? Yes. All the time. I’ll leave you with this thought. Even though you might not know what you’re walking into, you can know Who you’re walking into it with. Take His hand and be assured; He won’t let go.