I saw a beautiful thing the other day; something I have never seen before and will likely never see again. As I was driving down Alpharetta Highway, I saw a man sitting on a bus stop bench playing his guitar. He was just strumming away like there was not a soul around him. There was no cup for donations—a bus stop along a busy highway is hardly a good spot for that anyway. No, I believe he was playing because he just had to. What better way to pass the time, right? Well, most of us would have our fingers on our phones scrolling away and consuming content. What struck me about this guy was that he was doing the exact opposite – he was creating.

     After I passed him, I got to contemplating, what drove this man to whip out his guitar at a busy bus stop and start playing? Is making music his passion—you know, that motivating force that pushes us beyond convention? That drive that says, “I’ve got time, why not play?” And of course, I started thinking, what do I just have to do? Is there something I cannot wait to get to or get back to after meeting the demands of the day? Writing came to mind and then dancing – expression through the pen and through movement.

     Frustration and angst occur when those things wired into us cannot come out to play. God wove those passions within us as He formed us in our mothers’ wombs. We all have them; but we can forget them as busyness overtakes us. So, my challenge to you is this:

  • What do you just have to do?
  • Like my bus stop guitar man are you taking opportunities to unleash your buried treasures, no matter where or when?

     Put down the phone and pick up your proverbial guitar. It will bring joy to you, and it just might provide a little inspiration for that person driving down the road.