We recently ushered in the new year and with it, fresh hopes, and new dreams. This is often a time when many of us examine ourselves and identify areas we would like to change or improve, with those desired changes taking the form of resolutions. Other folks, like me, see the new year as a good time to set or reset goals. No matter the outcome, the purpose is similar: As the calendar moves from one year to the next, we stop, we plan and then measure success before the calendar transitions again.

     Now, I am not dogging this tradition that most of humanity has held since the beginning of time. Far be it for me to challenge such a system. It has been around this long, so, something must be working, right? And I use this system myself as I think about things I want to achieve in a year. But I am going to invite you to make a slight paradigm shift by looking at each NEW DAY as an opportunity to try something new, take a step toward that goal or maybe resolve to just rest and enjoy those people and things God has placed before you in the moment. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow; we do not know what will happen in a month, much less a year, so don’t wait. Choose to savor each new day as a gift from God and make it your Best. Day. Ever.

     What can you do to make the most of each NEW day? Here are a few suggestions:

    • Nothing! Let me explain this one. My spiritual director has been trying to get me to slow down and stop living in the “doing.” We are human beings (not doings), after all. To really hear God’s voice, we must turn off the noise and be still. We have become a content-rich society (I am guilty as charged!) and it seems counterintuitive to sit in silence. But it is in stillness where we see a beautiful sunset, hear an ocean’s waves, or enjoy a bird’s melodious song. Join me in trying this … even if you only give it 5 minutes.
    • Do something out of your comfort zone. There is a saying that “life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I believe this to be true, but I think it is hard for us to budge sometimes. If you have read my book, Living in Your Master Design, you know I believe in the power of small steps. So, what small step can you take today that is out of your comfort zone? I have found it to be really stimulating when I try something new.
    • Try living incrementally. What does this mean? Going back to the power of small steps, this means breaking down your goals to smaller increments. For example, if one of your goals is to spring clean and get rid of all that stuff, can you start with one drawer? One drawer sounds (and is) much more doable than spring cleaning as a whole. I think the reason many of us do not achieve our goals and resolutions is because we envision the whole as opposed to the parts. Plan in the parts – easy, achievable parts, and see what happens.

     Alright, you now have a few ideas to get you going into a new day. What will you do? Or maybe you’ll just be for a while. No matter what, I bid you a happy New Day. Now what are you going to do with it?