Today is the first day of Advent. I confess that I’ve not historically been one to make a big deal out of it. Growing up, we’d bring out the Advent calendar – the one with the little paper doors to open each day – and put the Advent wreath on the table. But beyond the physical signs that the season was here, we didn’t do anything differently to welcome it in.

     Today as I grow in my Christian faith, I have a better understanding of what Advent is and why we celebrate it. It is a preparation of our hearts to receive the Christ child. And even though He already resides there, it is an intentional time to clear away all the clutter and noise we’re bombarded with and create a space for the Prince of Peace.

     As I reflect on this first day of Advent, another thing that springs to mind is the Isaiah 7:14 prophecy that tells of Christ’s coming, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.” The name Immanuel means God with us. I’ve heard this about 100 times as I’m sure you have, too. But meditating on it today reminded me that God is not a distant God hovering over us, separated by the atmosphere. No, God is with us and desires to be in us if we invite Him. He was involved in your conception and purposefully designed you to be uniquely you. Think about that! The God who created the universe loves and cares for you so much, He was involved in your creation.

     Okay, I guess I got carried away during my morning prayer time! So, what’s the take-away? As we begin this Advent season, I’m inviting us all to remember that God is not “up there” while we’re plugging away down here. He came in the form of a baby, the Christ child, so that He could live with us. So, as you open that first little door on your Advent calendar today and begin to prepare your heart for Jesus’ coming, be reminded that He is already here and wants to be invited into every part of your life. Will you join me in saying yes, oh come, Immanuel?