This morning, I stopped. I put down the phone, abandoned my usual routine, walked outside and found a seat on the patio. With absolutely nothing planned, I simply sat still in the silence. Then, it happened.

     God’s perfect creation woke up and I found myself not alone on a patio, but in a front row seat of a symphony. Each bird sang its own song and different as they were, they blended in beautiful harmonies. A woodpecker added percussion every now and then, making the melody most interesting. The sun filtered through the trees and added a brilliant light show while squirrels and chipmunks did their morning dance.

     I sat still, captivated by what I saw and heard. And while my eyes and ears tuned into the symphony’s musicians, my heart sought the conductor, creator God himself.

     What a moment! When I took the ear buds out of my ears and turned off the artificial noise, I received the most wondrous gift a soul could receive. I got to be a part of God’s rhythms – His morning song – and just sit still in it. I was an audience of one and the symphony played just for me as I experienced creation doing what it was meant to do. And I did what I was created to do in that same moment: be still and know that He is God. Be still and receive God’s peace, love and perfect order of things.

     Do you notice a theme? What word jumps out at you? I dare not type it again and I think you know what it is. So, I’ll leave you with this invitation. You, too, can enjoy this symphony of morning songs. Step outside, turn off your phone and open your eyes and ears. Let your heart find God’s rhythms of the morning and worship Him. You need only be … still.