“I’ve just got to DO something!”  Those were my exact words after seeing the movie, Lion.  If you are not familiar with the film, it’s a true story about a young boy who gets separated from his family and ends up homeless on the streets of India.  Years later, he locates his mother with the help of Google Maps.  Although this story had a happy ending, what struck me so deeply (that’s a nice way of saying what ripped my heart out) was this little boy’s plight as a homeless child.  In India alone, there are nearly 18 million street children – children who may or may not have a home who are forced to work in the city streets for little pay.  These innocent lives are subject to disease, sex trafficking, malnutrition, exploitation and abuse.

     Living in my middle-class suburban bubble in North Georgia, I am embarrassed to admit that I had no idea about the conditions of homeless and street children in India and around the world.  Watching this story unfold impacted me in deep, disturbing and yet wonderful ways.  I knew that I could not walk out of that theater being the same person who walked in.  I had to do something.  But, what?  How can little old me even begin to make a dent in a need so great?

     Let’s stop right here for a moment because I think that last sentence holds power over many of us.  That one 16-word line prevents us from using the gifts and passions God wove into our DNA to impact His kingdom in powerful ways.  Yes, the needs are overwhelming – they are huge and can crash over us like a tidal wave.  But let’s not forget who has dominion over those tidal waves – our great and mighty God.  God is bigger than the most daunting problems and He ignites the “fire in our bellies” for a reason, to live out our faith in action. 

     What action did God lead me to take?  He led me to Compassion International where I fell in love with a 4-year-old boy from Columbia, South America.  He is about to turn 9 and I’m still sponsoring him.  Through Compassion, my worldview now reaches far beyond Alpharetta, GA and into the world where I still see the need but also, the hope.  I volunteer locally with Compassion whenever I can (pre-pandemic, of course) and am passionate about connecting children with sponsors. 

     So, what is that fire burning in your belly?  What tugs on your heart and moves you to tears?  Reflect on that and ask God to direct your next step.  With God, you can make a ripple that can turn into a wave.  Even if you only impact one life, that life can impact three more who in turn can impact three more.  You get the picture.  Remember, movements that change the world do not spontaneously spring up from nothing.  They begin with a person, just like you, with a burning passion, just like yours.